Tassa scolastica 4.500 € all'anno

Students may be eligible to apply for a flat rate or to tuition fees calculated according to their family income. More information here: en.unipv.it/en/education/bachelors-and-masters-degree-programs/fees-and-funding/fees

Tassa di iscrizione 35 € per programma

This fee is not refundable.

Maggiori informazioni



The Master’s Degree Course in Bioengineering aims to train professionals with a strong background in basic engineering subjects, both on a theorical and practical level. Graduate are able to identifiy, analize, describe and solve the main issues of biomedical engineering even the more complex and using an innovative approach.
The main focus is to give student a general and comprehensive view of the main theories not become outdated. Graduates are ready to deal with new issues and they have the necessary skills to keep up with the necessary professional updates both in technological than scientific fields.

Students can choose to focus their study plan between three tracks based their choice on their own cultural interests:
Cells, tissues and devices
Digital Welfare
Biomedical sensors and instrumentation

These main tracks may be personalized by each students with subjects form all fields of engineering studies: from hardware engineering to biomedical engineering, from biomechanics to tissue engineering.

Main study subjecs are: Life sciences (biology, physiology, genetics); Technologies and methodologies to support the biomedical disciplines (instrumentation, date mining, telemedicine, biomachinery, numerical simulations). Each track focus also in specific engineering and scientific research field.

Many courses involved projects and lab works as a way to immediately apply the knowledge gained during classroom studies. This kind of research activities get the students ready for the master thesis research work. The master thesis is a research project developed with the supervision of a professor and it should be innovative both in research methods and in developing theories. Students can choose to work in one of the engineering research labs or with one of the many partner firms.

Struttura del programma

Per il Piano di Studi e ulteriori informazioni consultare questo link

Sbocchi professionali

Il mercato del lavoro per i laureati magistrali in Bioingegneria è costituito soprattutto da: strutture sanitarie, imprese operanti nei settori della strumentazione biomedica, dell’informatica medica e delle biotecnologie; case farmaceutiche. In particolare, sono in continua crescita: la presenza di ingegneri clinici nelle strutture sanitarie e nelle società specializzate nella gestione della tecnologia in sanità; la richiesta di esperti di basi di dati medico-sanitari e di altri strumenti informatici di supporto all’attività medico-clinica; la richiesta di bioingegneri da parte di aziende del settore dei dispositivi medici

Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2025/26
Scadenza per le candidature
18 mar 2025, 23:59:59
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Inizio degli studi
15 set 2025
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2025/26
Inizio invio delle candidature
29 mag 2025
Scadenza per le candidature
6 giu 2025, 23:59:59
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Inizio degli studi
15 set 2025
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2025/26
Inizio invio delle candidature
1 set 2025
This intake is not applicable

5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Inizio degli studi
15 set 2025
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2025/26
Scadenza per le candidature
18 mar 2025, 23:59:59
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Inizio degli studi
15 set 2025
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2025/26
Inizio invio delle candidature
29 mag 2025
Scadenza per le candidature
6 giu 2025, 23:59:59
Ora dell’Europa centrale
Inizio degli studi
15 set 2025
Candidati ora! Anno accademico 2025/26
Inizio invio delle candidature
1 set 2025
This intake is not applicable

5th call dedicated to EU and NON-EU applicants residing in Italy ONLY.

Inizio degli studi
15 set 2025